If you do damage a boat, report it to your coach and Club Captain and make an entry in the damage log which is kept next to the signing out book in the Fours Bay. They will want to know the reason for the damage. Was the steerer signed off to steer that kind of boat? Was it due to another river user? If it was, record all the details about them that you can - club, names, time of incident etc. The committee may ask if we need to change the way we do things? No one steers 100% perfectly, 100% of the time. It's only if you've done something wrong or not followed the rules that you may be asked to pay for the damage, or perhaps the resulting insurance excess. That said, the club hopes that members who have damaged boats will help try to put the damage right.
If you find damage caused by someone else, again, report it. Make a note of the time and details of what has happened. Take camera phone shots if it helps.
British Rowing have an online incident reporting system for use in the event of a collision or near collision. You should be able to see this option when you log in. If there's injury or damage, it's especially important to get, and record, all the details you can about the other crew(s) involved. So, at a minimum, club and time of incident. The name of the other steers is also important. You must also let our Club Safety officer know as well by emailing
Responsibilities to each other
Keep in mind the usual, common-sense things. If you are in a group, as most of us are:
Watch out for each other - don’t carry the boat so as to force someone else off the pontoon ramp, for example
Listen out for what the cox is saying, know your seat number and respond promptly
Understand that the cox has legal responsibility for the boat and the people in it
Be on time so as not to keep crew mates waiting around
Try and bring positive energy to the group
Follow-through on commitments to train and race
Do your share of tasks
Engage and contribute to the learning process
If you are not a paid-up member when the collision happened, you may not be covered by the club's insurance policy. Equally, you must maintain your membership of British Rowing to have the benefit of their combined liability and personal accident cover. Note this point on the British Rowing website: "If I use a club boat without permission and I have an accident in which the boat is damaged or a third party's boat is damaged is this covered by my insurance? No. The club could potentially sue you for the cost of the damage to the club boat, as could the third party, but the British Rowing insurance would not provide cover as this could be considered a criminal act." Members with private boats are responsible for insuring them.
You are responsible for insuring your own boat(s)
All private boats should have a SONSXXX id, issued by the Membership Secretary